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Polymorphie / Chanted Jazzcore

Founded by Romain Dugelay, Polymorphie is an adventure into uncharted musical territories. Currently made up of 6 musicians, it features one voice, two saxophones, two keyboards, a baritone guitar and drums. A prism based on a unique geometry that serves up a spellbinding, fusion-based sound.

For its new album Cellule (Cell), Polymorphie returns to literary texts. Whereas the previous Voix (Voice) took on Nick Cave, this album turns its attention to authors who experienced incarceration through powerful texts written in prison by Oscar Wilde, Jean Zay, Albertine Sarrazin, Paul Verlaine and Xavier, an anonymous prisoner. 

To set these words to music, Romain Dugelay orchestrates a score that alternates from minimalist, almost ghostly passages to sonic explosions that get under your skin. The voice is cutting, clear and striking in equal parts, the melodies ethereal and the orchestrations epic, to a constantly shifting rhythm… Polymorphie brings about an exciting connection between the polyrhythms inherited from traditional music, rock distortions, the chanted orations of urban poetry and the daring tightrope walk of improvisation.

Playlist / Polymorphie

Back Bands

Polymorphie / Chanted Jazzcore

Founded by Romain Dugelay, Polymorphie is an adventure into uncharted musical territories. Currently made up of 6 musicians, it features one voice, two saxophones, two keyboards, a baritone guitar and drums. A prism based on a unique geometry that serves up a spellbinding, fusion-based sound.

For its new album Cellule (Cell), Polymorphie returns to literary texts. Whereas the previous Voix (Voice) took on Nick Cave, this album turns its attention to authors who experienced incarceration through powerful texts written in prison by Oscar Wilde, Jean Zay, Albertine Sarrazin, Paul Verlaine and Xavier, an anonymous prisoner. 

To set these words to music, Romain Dugelay orchestrates a score that alternates from minimalist, almost ghostly passages to sonic explosions that get under your skin. The voice is cutting, clear and striking in equal parts, the melodies ethereal and the orchestrations epic, to a constantly shifting rhythm… Polymorphie brings about an exciting connection between the polyrhythms inherited from traditional music, rock distortions, the chanted orations of urban poetry and the daring tightrope walk of improvisation.

Line Up

Marine Pellegrini : vocals, spoken word, keyboards
Romain Dugelay : alto saxophone, composition
Clément Edouard : alto saxophone
Lucas Garnier : keyboards
Damien Cluzel : guitar baryton
Léo Dumont : drums


Romain Dugelay / Compagnie 4000

Contact Booking


Oscar Wilde : " la ballade de la geôle de Reading "
Jean Zay : " Souvenirs et solitude "
Albertine Sarrazin : " poèmes "
Paul Verlaine : " Un grand sommeil noir" from the collection "Sagesse "
Xavier (Unknown) : from the collection " Paroles de détenus " (Jean-Pierre Guéno)

Concert / Polymorphie tour

14 september 2018 | CAP'DECOUVERTE - Le Garric 15 september 2018 | CAP'DECOUVERTE - Le Garric 16 september 2018 | CAP'DECOUVERTE - Le Garric 01 october 2020 | Studio de l'Ermitage - Paris
  • Claire Venus _ Paul
  • Claire Venus #2 _ Eugène Guillevic
  • Polymorphie - Live à la Dynamo
  • Teaser album "Cellule"


    “Polymorphie cut a black diamond between bionic poetry, howling metal and wild cabaret.”

    Mathieu Durand / Juin 2012/ Jazz news

    “It turns, it turns. Impossible to escape before the end of the album.”

    Jean-Jacques Birgé / Mediapart

    “Les neuf titres qui composent cet album […] sont d'une puissance redoutable.”

    Thierry Damestoy / Radio Kultura
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