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23 january 2025

Sophisticreamy, Erotic Market new single

Have you ever spotted someone, headphones on, dancing on a subway platform? Chances are, that stranger was vibing to a track by Erotic Market, aka Marine Pellegrini. Indeed, with her second single, “Sophisticreamy”, she invites us to connect through her vision of unity. Morever you can hear the joy in her voice as she shares her uplifting energy with both playfulness and wisdom: set to a backdrop of vibrant drums and carried by her rich voice, she makes a compelling case that our longing for freedom might just find…

16 january 2025

Kouma in the basement

For the past 8 months, the cellars of Le Périscope have resounded regularly with the chiseling of telluric sounds and the grinding of corrugated iron. We hesitate between the migration of the Moria mines, the construction of a skate park in the Périscope basement or a rehearsal by the Kouma trio for the creation of a new set. Bertrand Gaudillère went to check it out for us a few days ago. An analysis of his photos is underway to determine the cause of this mess. The detailed…

16 january 2025

Goddesses, first single

Marine Pellegrini aka Erotic Market unveils her first single, Goddesses, from the “Marla Pillow” album due for release on March 14, 2024.“Goddesses start hurricanes when they cry” sings Marine Pellegrini, aka Erotic Market, with resilience. In this gentle piano hymn, in which we feel as close as possible to the artist’s hoarse, soothing voice, she unfolds the tale of all our lives in a song that makes us want to believe, this time, that it’s going to be okay. Taking power, even with a residue of nostalgia stuck in our…

28 december 2023

L’étrangleuse at the “Ouvrir l’Oeil” bookshop

It was the last pocket session of the year 2023; 4 vocals, harp, jeli n’goni, bass and multi percussion, just to name a few. High emotional intensity on a spring mattress. The group is called l’étrangleuse and their next album will be released in June on Compagnie 4000 and La Curieuse. That’s all there is to it…

4 december 2023

Chimères at “Les Muses” record store

It was Wednesday November 29, 2023, it was in Tournon (France) and it was good. Claire for books and Mouna for records welcomed us into their cultural den on the banks of the Rhône, where Mortelle Adèle chats with Nina Simone, and Simone Veil winks at Frederik Peeters.And all this under the ever-sharpening eye of Bertrand Gaudillère.

26 july 2023

Pocket sessions, past _ future

The pocket sessions are over…. but they’re starting up again next season! And not just a little. In addition to continuing our concerts in the original den, the benevolent cradle of our first releases, the Ouvrir l’œil bookshop, we’re starting a series of sessions in bookshops all over the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region. We’ll tell you more soon.But before we dive into this exciting sequel, let’s take a little time to immerse ourselves in the sights and sounds of the past six magnificent sessions.And let’s also take a moment to…

27 june 2023

MAMITA _ new clip from Pixvae

Another magnificent achievement by Ramataupia for the band Pixvae. This song, co-composed by Israel Quinones, Juan Carlos Arrechea and Romain Dugelay, appears on Pixvae’s latest album.

7 june 2023

Video report / Pocket session #6

Ukandanz stopped off at the “Ouvrir l’œil” bookshop to take part in the sixth and final pocket session of the season.

24 may 2023

New clip from Ukandanz

Ukandanz releases a new video with the track “Ferjign Chereka ፍረጂኝ ጨረቃ / Moon Stroke”, directed by Bertrand Gaudillère.

5 march 2023

“Oí Vé”, new video from Pixvae

After An’Pagay and the track Somin Tegor, here’s another Ramataupia production on a track from Pixvae’s new album. It’s beautiful, it’s funny, it’s creative. Enjoy 🙂…

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